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Choosing a fair and neutral mediator is crucial for reaching the best compromise. At Martin Pringle, our mediators have decades of experience handling situations for large and small businesses in both state and federal courts.

According to most recent statistics, over 90% of all filed lawsuits are ultimately resolved without a trial. Settlements, where the parties themselves decide the outcome of the case rather than leaving it to a judge or jury, are the most common resolution for filed civil actions. And mediation – either voluntary or court-ordered – is often the means to that settlement.

You’ll notice the statistic above references “filed lawsuits” – so that 90% figure doesn’t even take into account the business, family, and other disputes which are resolved before a lawsuit is even filed. Often, those disputes can avoid the courthouse entirely by participating in mediation.

Successful mediations depend largely on the skill and experience of the attorneys involved and the mediator selected. Choosing the right mediator for your situation is crucial.

Martin Pringle’s mediation group is comprised of seasoned attorneys who have decades of experience in state and federal courts and/or with large and small businesses, handling a wide variety of matters. Their knowledge of local judges and the nature of local juries as well as their keen ability to analyze cases, gauge witnesses, explain differing perspectives, and craft unique solutions make Martin Pringle’s mediators the perfect choice for counsel and parties in litigation and other matters.

Lawsuits, claims, business disputes, and family conflicts are rarely black and white. Our mediators are fair and balanced neutrals, treating all parties and reasonable positions with respect and sensitivity in a manner which assists in finding compromise in contentious situations.

Drawing on their experience as trial attorneys for both plaintiffs and defendants and as business counsel, Martin Pringle’s mediators are committed to helping parties find resolution in the following areas:

  • Personal Injury
  • Products Liability
  • Professional Liability
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Commercial Litigation/Business Disputes
  • Construction Litigation
  • Family Law

We are prepared to mediate in the location of your choosing including in our offices in Wichita, Overland Park and Kansas City, Missouri.

CONFIDENT is more than just a self-assured term for us.
At Martin Pringle, it’s the straightforward and simplified process by which we approach legal matters.

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