Martin Pringle knows that it takes banks to keep the world moving. We help our clients orbit the financial services industry in commercial lending transactions, compliance matters, operations issues, merger and acquisitions and more. In order words, we’ll handle everything under the sun.
Attorneys in Banking & Financial Services
Martin Pringle's Banking & Financial Services attorneys represent local, regional, and national banks, credit unions, and other financial services businesses. We represent bank clients in commercial lending transactions, mortgage and personal property secured lending, oil and gas financing, equipment leasing, private bank matters, regulatory compliance, and bank operations. Our attorneys also assist clients with mergers and acquisitions, charter conversions, and the increasingly complex regulatory and compliance issues surrounding those transactions. Our attorneys are also experienced in serving as local counsel for financial transactions. We are dedicated to assisting our clients with opportunities and solving problems in a timely manner.
The banking and financial services practice group’s experience includes:
- Preparation and review of commercial loan documents
- Local Counsel for loan transactions
- Third-party local counsel opinion letters for loan transactions
- Complex litigation for financial institutions
- Bank operations, deposits and payments systems
- Bank examinations and regulatory compliance issues
- Capital planning & raising additional capital for banks & bank holding companies
- Regulatory representation for Dodd Frank & CFPB compliance
- Collections, workouts and foreclosures
- SEC filings for bank capital raises at Federal and State levels
- Bank holding company formations, branch acquisitions, change of control and bank sales, acquisitions and mergers
- Charter conversions for national and state banks
Representative Cases
- Third-party opinion letters for financing of an acquisition of an aircraft manufacturer
- Loan documents for equipment lease program
- Local counsel opinion letter for mortgage of real estate
- Third-party opinion letters for oil and gas development projects
- Conversion of national banks to Kansas state bank charters including all documentation and required filings
- Formation of bank holding company including funding with $40 million to acquire banking organization using $25MM from new local shareholders, $5MM in bank holding company loan and $10MM issuance of Trust Preferred Securities. Handled Federal Reserve regulatory matters, filed SEC Regulation D Confidential Offering Memorandum and contract drafting and negotiations for acquisition of $300MM total assets banking group.
- Representation of banking group with 2 separate bank charters with 2 separate single bank holding companies with one failed bank closing and one open bank sale with FDIC asserting a cross guaranty provision to require the shareholders of the open bank to apply proceeds of open bank stock sale to loss incurred at closed bank. Related representation of key directors and officers of failed bank in claim by FDIC for reimbursement of losses at failed bank.
- Representation of banking group acquiring branch bank in purchase and assumption transaction.
- Form new charter for new community bank with initial capital of $2.5MM which is now a $90MM total assets banking group.
- Handled spin out of OREO to separate real estate limited liability company to eliminate non-performing assets from banking group.
Supporting Documents
CONFIDENT is more than just a self-assured term for us.
At Martin Pringle, it’s the straightforward and simplified process by which we approach legal matters.