Ready to Adopt?
Download Video Transcript If you have made the decision to adopt, please see our frequently asked questions to help you in your adoption journey. We hope this answers most of your unanswered questions.
We understand that adoption can be a major financial commitment. We encourage you to research ways to help you find resources to make adoption more affordable for your family, including a federal tax credit, grants, loans, employer assistance programs, and creative fundraising options, please let us know, we don’t want the costs associated with adoption to create a barrier for your family.

Create your adoption profile
We are happy to be working with Joanna Ivey, a professional graphic designer with Our Chosen Child, to create your personalized adoption profile. Please contact her directly to begin the design of your profile and video.
We have two profile options:
- Electronic Profile (required) - The cost to complete the profile is $500 and a requirement to join our adoptive family pool. The focus of this profile is to give a deep dive into who you are, where you live, what your hobbies are, etc. To view sample profiles, please visit her website at or check out our Waiting Adoptive Families page.
- Video Profile (encouraged) - The cost of the video profile is $350. The focus of the video profile is to really show your personality through photos and short video snippits. It's a fun way to let your personality shine through. Adding a video profile to your adoption package is also a great outreach tool, providing you and us social media content to help tell your story. See a video example here.
Joanna Ivey
Our Chosen Child LLC
454 Holly Ave. | Madison WI 53711
608-237-6507 |