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2014 Employment Law Seminar - Kansas City

2014 Employment Law Seminar - Kansas City

May 01, 2014

Martin Pringle Law Firm 2014 Employment Law Seminar - Kansas City

  • Tuesday, June 17
  • 8:30am – 10:30am
  • 6900 College Blvd., 2nd Floor
  • Cost - $35 (light breakfast served)

Space is limited – RSVP to Kim Doze-Lohmann at or 913-713-0555

** This program has been submitted to the Human Resource Certification Institute for review.



Topics to be covered:

  • Harassment and Discrimination Complaints – The Best Defense is a Good Offense: Responding to Employee Complaints and Effective Investigations
  • Are You Prepared to Terminate Employees? Avoiding Legal Pitfalls in Conducting Employee Terminations 
  • Wage and Hour Compliance – Covering the Basics and Avoiding Big Risks